Modules are the building blocks of the ERC7579 standard. They are smart contracts that can be attached to a wallet to extend its functionality. Modules can be validators, executors, hooks, fallback handlers and more in the future. Here is a list of some of the modules that have been built so far:
- ZK Email Account Recovery: Use email addresses as guardians to recover wallet assets via a zk email/rhinestone account recovery module.
- AutoSavings Executor: Automatically save a percentage of incoming funds
- ColdStorage Hook: Prevent funds from being withdrawn without a timelock
- Deadman Switch Validator: Prevent funds from being locked forever
- Hook Multiplexer: Combine multiple hooks into one with fine-grained control over when they are called
- MultiFactor Validator: Use multiple validators in combination as a multi-factor authentication system
- Ownable Executor: Allow an account to control a subaccount and pay for its transaction fees
- Ownable Validator: Authenticate on your account with multiple ECDSA keys
- Registry Hook: Query the Module Registry before installing and using modules
- Scheduled Orders Executor: Execute swaps on a specified schedule
- Scheduled Transfers Executor: Transfer funds on a specified schedule
- Social Recovery Validator: Recover your account using a set of guardians
- ECDSA Signer: Sign transactions with an ECDSA key
- Webauthn Signer: Sign transactions with a Webauthn key
- Call Policy: Control which contracts can be called during a transaction
- Gas Policy: Restrict gas usage during transations
- RateLimit Policy: Limit the number of transactions that can be sent in a given time period
- Signature Policy: Restrict who can call a function based on a signature
- Sudo Policy: Allow a sudo key to bypass all other policies
- Timestamp Policy: Restrict when a transaction can be sent
- Webauthn Validator: Authenticate with a Webauthn key
- Recovery Action: Recover a validator using delegatecall
- Only EntryPoint Hook: Only allow a call to originate from the EntryPoint contract
- MultipleOwnerECDSAValidator: Authenticate on your account with multiple ECDSA keys
- ERC20SessionKeyValidator: Use session keys for ERC20-related operations
- ModuleIsolationHook: Prevent modules from installing other modules
- ERC20ActionsExecutor: Execute ERC20-related actions
- AggregatedValidator: Implementing a validator as an ERC-4337 aggregator
- PermissionsHook: A hook to enforce granular module permissions
- FrameValidator: Validate farcaster frames signatures
- MultiECDSAWithExpirationValidator: Authenticate on your account with multiple ECDSA keys with expiration
- SpendingLimitHook: Limit the amount of funds that can be spent over a period of time
- Airdrop Claim Module: Automate aidrop claims with a finders fee
- Frame Validator: Validate farcaster frames signatures
- Flashloan Callback Executor: Execute flashloan callbacks
- Vault Automation Executor: Automate vault interactions